Timely information available through this site including security advisory announcements and recent press hits are
made available in real-time through the following RSS feeds. (You will need a compatible RSS reader or browser to correctly view the feeds.)
Security vulnerabilities discovered by ZDI researchers appear in this list as soon as the vendor is
contacted and the count down to public release begins. Subscribe to this feed for a heads up on what
advisories to expect in the future.
Discovered security vulnerabilities which have been addressed by the affected vendor move from the upcoming
advisories list to the published list in conjunction with a security advisory detailing the specifics of the
bug. Subscribe to this feed to stay up to date on our latest released advisories.
Security researchers within the ZDI program often blog about their own research and provide
additional details about submitted cases. Subscribe to this feed to stay up to date on our
latest vulnerability research, plus the latest news and information about the Zero Day Initiative.